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Is AI the future of supply chain management?

Is AI the future of supply chain management?

Since the advent of telematics and geolocation, the implementation of smooth supply chain management has gotten considerably easier. Communication between drivers, warehouse staff, logistics and operations has become more coordinated, and client expectations can be managed in real time if, for example, there are issues with stocking, delays, or shipping.

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What causes friction in a supply chain?

A smooth supply chain works when logistics services stay on top of customs requirements around the world; relying on a logistics company that is global, with warehousing facilities in key locations for effective forward stocking, can mitigate delays and ensure goods are picked, packed and shipped quickly.

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What is IOSS and how will it impact your logistics?

The Import One-Stop Shop, or IOSS, is an electronic portal that enables ecommerce retailers to collect VAT at the point of sale. It’s being introduced by EU governments to simplify VAT payment for retailers and distance sellers, whilst also supporting a wider EU initiative to clamp down on import tax evasion and fraud.

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What is a 3PL solution?

With trends evolving continuously and demand for products changing with the seasons, it’s no surprise that health & beauty is one of the most dynamic and fast-growing sectors. The rise of online shopping accelerated by the pandemic has transformed the way beauty products are purchased around the world.

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How the right logistics service can meet fast-growing demand

With trends evolving continuously and demand for products changing with the seasons, it’s no surprise that health & beauty is one of the most dynamic and fast-growing sectors. The rise of online shopping accelerated by the pandemic has transformed the way beauty products are purchased around the world.

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Sprint Logistics EU Customs

2021 changes to EU customs rules: How will logistics be affected?

While much of the media focus this year has been on the border disruption caused by Brexit, 2021 will also see significant changes to EU customs regulations. Three major changes coming into force throughout the year will affect logistics for businesses shipping across borders, since they impact customs procedures and VAT obligations for e-commerce sellers both inside and outside the EU.

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